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Journey Into The Stars

My journey began with a simple, yet profound question: ‘why am I here?’ My insatiable curiosity and determination to find the answer led me down a path of personal and professional development. But the path was less than smooth. After years dedicated to developing people and brands with Clinique and global beauty giant Sephora, I found myself at a standstill. Something was missing.


In 2015, my relentless quest for soul-searching led me to the world of natal chart Astrology. An encounter with an ephemeris - the traditional tool for deciphering a natal chart - piqued my curiosity and guided me along a path that felt as though it was written in the stars.


That pivotal moment altered the course of my life. Seated in front of an award-winning Astrologer, who would become my mentor, I was gifted a profound understanding of myself and my circumstances. Something I couldn't articulate on my own.

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The Language Of The Stars

Astrology captivated me from the outset. The stars are a language, they don't dictate our future they help us shape it. The date, time and location of our birth can reflect our innermost questions, thoughts and desires. This knowledge can empower us to embrace our true selves and harness our personal power.

Your Unique Natal Chart

Everyone has a natal chart that’s unique to them. It's a mirror, offering profound insights that are waiting to be revealed. As an Astrologer, my unique approach is grounded in the exploration of self. I believe that when we know ourselves on a deeply intimate level, we experience a greater sense of self-assuredness and trust that we’re moving in the right direction.


As an Astrologer for your Higher Self, I translate what I believe you need to know to help you attain your desires. With your stars as our guide, the sky’s the limit. Let’s elevate your frequency together. Curious? Check out my experience here.


Through my signature formula Astrostrategy® you’ll have the essential tools, profound insights, and empowering actions, for gaining momentum. If Astrology is a language, let’s give you a new repertoire of powerful words.

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